
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Video Studio Design - Equipment is on its Way

If you have not been following prior posts, I am building a small video studio. It will be used for creating videos that will be incorporated into e-learning (WBT) courses and for online, stand-alone, instructional videos.

The equipment has been ordered, and here's what we will be using:

  • 2 Kino Flo Diva fluorescent lights (each has 2 tubes and include a dimmer).

  • Lamp with reflector (hair light) that will hold a 30 watt GE Reveal True Color flood.

  • 10' x 12' gray, muslin backdrop.

This will be a very small studio and the above should provide very sufficient lighting. I did not include a light reflector, which is good for removing any shadows. I learned that if one is necessary, I can actually use a windshield reflector that is bought inexpensively at any auto supply store. It may not look as professional, but will save 40 to 50 dollars.

Below is a picture of the empty studio. It is small, approximately 12' x 12', and is not a perfect square, but has column on one side and an inset on the left wall.

[caption id="attachment_259" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Empty Studio 12-2008"]Empty Studio 12-2008[/caption]

Here is the layout design:

[caption id="attachment_261" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Studio Layout Design"]Studio Layout Design[/caption]

An important note: I very recently found out my bank/employer has been acquired. Luckily, the equipment was ordered prior to the acquisition and as these things do not happen immediately, I will be continuing with this project unless told otherwise. I am expecting to get a fair amount of use from the studio prior to the actual change over (2nd quarter 2009, at the earliest).

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