
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Adobe Flash on TV

BroadComFlash logo

It has been announced that Flash will be available on TVs! This news from Broadcom and Adobe certainly caught my attention. This is not only a great opportunity for Adobe Flash, but opens up many, many opportunities for Flash developers and hopefully e-learning designers.

This will now place rich Internet applications (RIA) on TVs, using Flash Lite Player 3. For now I am going to assume a content developer's kit (CDK) will be provided by Adobe and the TV remote will act in the same manner as a Flash enabled phone's key pad, recognizing key presses, etc. If this is the case, it opens the door for very accessible, interactive e-learning....on your TV. And if it talks to an LMS, even better.

Plus, if I am correct, this will expose people to e-learning beyond academia and the corporate world, who are the majority of our e-learning audience.

As this is rolled out we should learn more about its capabilities and at what level it is applicable to e-learning, but until then I will stay very optimistic.

Here is a link to the press release.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! It is good to hear that flash is finaly going to make the jump to TV. I am currently working on the development of a flash based interactive content manager to be deployed on TVs in the future... We are currently just doing tests at the moment but hoppefuly, we will have a whole new world on TV in a not very far away future.



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