
Monday, May 11, 2009

e-Learning Tour - May 21

Learning Trends will be hosting a free tour of e-learning examples that are being implemented out there. The event is on May 21st and you can learn more and sign-up at

I am also happy to be participating in Tony Karrer's portion of the tour. During his portion there will be demonstrations of different types of asynchronous, self-paced eLearning. I will discussing a non-linear WBT* created for my corporate university at Provident Bank. 

Presenters include:
Bob Mosher - Performance Support Tools
Judy Brown - Mobile Learning Solutions
Karl Kapp - Games and Simulation
Tony Karrer - Self-Paced and Other eLearning Solutions

The Self-Paced portion will include:
Really Rapid eLearning - A rapid process, integrating SMEs to produce software overviews.
Ben Duffy, eLearning Program Manager, Fairchild Semiconductor

Narrative eLearning - Teaches about Pandemic Influenza Preparedness at Work and at Home through conversations at work and at home, and newscasts - incorporating audio and bandwidth constrained “video.”
Kim Koehler, Learning Center, Park Nicollet Health Services

Scenario eLearning - Introduces AmeriCorps VISTA to new members through an exploratory environment with interactive scenarios.
Angela Nicholas, Instructional Designer, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

*Non-linear, Clue/Puzzle eLearning - Introduces banking staff to a banking service and customer enrollment through a film noir setting where learners play a private detective search for clues.
Jeffery Goldman, e-Learning Designer, Provident Bank

Social eLearning - A reusable product that invites conference audiences into a conversation with keynote presenters before and after the event.
Douglas Flather, Vice President, Product Development, Washington Speakers Bureau Multimedia

Hope to see you there! View the event overview

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