
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Delicious, Take Two

I signed up for Delicious social bookmarking quite a while ago, but it just didn't take for me. Perhaps the fact that I could not access it at work or that I was perfectly happy with using my browser for bookmarking. Either way, I set-up Delicious and just never really used it beyond the first few days. Why not give it another try. After all, I am trying move more onto the cloud, I can have my bookmarks in one place and I can share sites that I value. Let's hope my new job does not block Delicious. I will find out tomorrow.

Here is what I like so far:

  • Everything can be tagged - easy to stay organized

  • Adding a badge widget to my blog, promote sharing my bookmarks

  • Adding a Delicious tag cloud to my site or blog (see my Delicious tag cloud below)

  • Viewing how many people, and who, bookmarked pages. It's motivating to see someone tag my pages

  • Finding new and interesting sites by viewing other people's bookmarks

  • Easy access from any computer, if Delicious is not blocked by the "man" at work.

  • Customized descriptions of each bookmark can be added

So, I started with bookmarking and tagging the links I have collected on my Free e-Learning page and added a few blogs, blog communities and some e-learning resources.

And here is my Delicious tag cloud.

FYI: Here is a great video on social bookmarking and Delicious.

I am sure there are additional features on Delicious that I should be using. Let me know what Delicious tools and features you would recommend.

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