
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Free K-12 e-Learning Courses

There are some great e-learning courses out there for kids. I had a few courses on the Free e-Learning page, but hidden under Misc. I am well overdue to add a K-12 category on the Free e-Learning page. For me, some of the most engaging and inspiring online learning is designed for K-12 students. As a corporate trainer, I am often inspired by what is done in K-12 programs. And much of this inspiration has led to much more fun, engaging and instructionally sound course's for my audience. This includes use of educational games, cartoon characters, immersive simulations, humor, etc. So, thank you to all the K-12 course designers out there.

And thank you Christy, Experiencing E-Learning, who suggested that I add to the list. I have always relied on the kindness of bloggers.

Here is what I have so far, but I know there is MUCH more to add:

Edheads (numerous educational games and activities)

Build a Panda Habitat - National Zoo

e-Learning For Kids

National Postal Museum Activity Zone

If you know some courses that I should add, just let me know.


  1. Thanks for the Edheads link! For anyone interested we're launching an engineering course to get girls inspired about engineering careers, as well as a nanotechnology simulation later this fall/early winter at

    I also have some non Edheads projects, but just as educational listed at:

    under basic simulations. There is a project on structure and forces, technical drawing and electricity. These were done for the museum of science in Boston, but they've hidden them pretty well in an obscure section of their site. Also at the top you'll find a link to the yet unreleased, beta version of the new engineering course at edheads. Have fun!

  2. Eric, I just looked at your projects for MOS Boston. They are fantastic. The work you are doing is really inspirational and are excellent additions to the page. Thank you for sharing them.


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