
Friday, January 29, 2010

History of Adobe Flash

I am a big user of Flash and find it to be one of the most effective tools in my e-learning toolbox. Earlier this week I was very disappointed to learn Flash will not be included in the Apple iPad. I was hoping the iPad would be a great new medium for m-learning delivery, but without Flash it will be very limited in its ability to deliver the level of interactivity mobile learning deserves.

Now that I got that out of my system, here are a few resources on the history of Flash.

Of course there is "The Rather Amazing and Slightly Distorted History of Flash" created by Nectarine.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. Its very disturbing that a company that claims to support the "open web" (cough cough... APPLE) will not support Flash.

    A small glimmer of hope is Adobe's initiative to allow Flash Developers to build native iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch apps.

    I'm on Adobe's private beta tester and have almost completed my first iPhone App using Flash. If Apple won't directly support it, at least Adobe is doing their part to help.



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