
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Flash Tutorials on Screenr

As a Adobe Flash addict, I am always on the lookout for tutorials and new tips and tricks that can make Flash development easier. Every now and then I peruse for Flash tutorials. Because screencasts on Screenr have a five minute limit, they are usually very succinct, which is what I like. They are also easy to search if you do a site search (flash Below are a few I found. I threw in one of my own too.

FYI: If you are interested in creating screeencasts, Screenr is easy to use and free. Thank you Articulate for offering this free tool. Also, if you are looking for Articulate tuts, they have plenty of those too.
To see the remaining tutorials for the paddle game, visit @paulkeenan59's Screenr page.
Had to throw the last one in with the release of the iPad looming (feh).

If you are creating Flash tutorials on Screenr, please feel free to add a link to it in the comments section. Thanks!


  1. Nice post Jeff. And it's good to see you creating more screencasts. I think the last time you created one we used it on the Screenr blog (

    I created two Flash w/Articulate screencasts you might want to add:
    Understand how Flash layers and transparency work in PowerPoint (
    How to insert custom Flash elearning interactions into your rapid elearning course (

    Cool list and I'm looking forward to seeing it grow!


  2. David,
    Thanks. I will definitely check these out and add them to the list. FYI: What I have been doing is tagging the tuts in my Delicious account whenever I find a screencast of interest. When I can I will see if I can make them into a tag cloud and share that too.



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