
Monday, June 14, 2010

What's New in Captivate 5? Twitter, That's What!

During #LrnChat it was mentioned that Captivate 5 will include integration with Twitter. I think this is good news and a good start for incorporating social media in asynchronous courses. Yes, I do think using social media tools directly for informal learning is a better option in many, if not most situations, but if a "blended" solution is needed then incorporating Twitter into Captivate is now an option. Here is Adobe's description from their new features page:

In-context learner collaboration via Twitter

Leverage the Twitter widget from Adobe to create courses that let learners collaborate with one another as well as the author by just logging into their Twitter account. They can ask questions, get answers, and access pre-existing discussions.  -

Another new feature that catches my eye is hosting, tracking and reporting integration through

Hosting and collaboration via

Host published or in-progress eLearning projects on, an Adobe CS Live online service, and share them with learners and reviewers, who can access them from virtually anywhere. -

Tracking and reporting

Satisfy basic evaluation needs at no extra cost by tracking and reporting key performance metrics, such as average score and pass or fail rates, without having to invest in a Learning Management System. -

Keep in mind it is not nearly as robust as what you will get from loading the course to your LMS, but it may work for those without an LMS and limited reporting needs.

You can read about other top new features along with some video previews here.

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