
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Needs Analysis - Help an eLearning Brother Out

My next big venture is training for an upgrade to Windows 7 and Office 2010. I have good grasp of my audience, how they use their software, and access to the new OS and Office 2010. This provides me with a solid start to identifying the training needs. I have also casually talked to a few people who use Windows 7 and Office 2010 and they shared valuable information about their transition and what they found easy and what was challenging.

I realized my readers probably also have great insight about the learning curve of upgrading to the new OS and Office. So, if you can provide any insight on the following, it will be greatly appreciated.

  • What challenges have you, or your staff, encountered transitioning from Windows XP to Windows 7?

    • What specific features in Windows 7 required assistance and/or people found frustrating?

    • What do you love about using Windows 7? FYI: I would like to motivate learners about its benefits.

  • What challenges have you, or your staff, encountered transitioning from Office 2007 to Office 2010 (more specifically Outlook and Word)?

    • What specific features in Office 2010 did you require help with and/or found frustrating?

    • What do you love about using Office 2010?

  • Have you provided training on Windows 7 or Office 2010?

    • Is there anything you absolutely recommend that I address in the training?

    • What questions did you repeatedly hear during or post training?

    • Did your help desk see any trends in the calls they received regarding the upgrade?

Any feedback on the above, or feedback in general, will be of great help. If you can also add a bit about your audience, for example their willingness to adopt tech changes and how tech savvy they may be, will be helpful in gauging the learning curve.

Yes, I know this may not be a typical approach to needs analysis, but I trust that there will be great benefit in learning from those that already experienced a similar transition.


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