
Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflecting on My 2010 Blog Posts and Happy New Year

Over at the Learning Circuits' Big Question it is time once again to reflect on the past year. So, I took a look at my most popular posts during 2010. FYI: I used eLearningLearning to identify my "Best of" posts according to social indicators.

Here are the top 10 posts written in 2010:

  1. My e-Learning Don’ts

  2. A Few Practical Tips on Storyboarding

  3. Development Tools I Would Learn If I Were You - June’s Big Question

  4. Looking for THE SCORM Resource?

  5. e-Learning and Games in Healthcare

  6. Keeping Up - April’s Big Question

  7. What is HTML 5?

  8. Voice Over in e-Learning, Sometimes

  9. e-Learning via the BBC

  10. Flash Tutorials on Screenr

While it is nice to see I still have posts from 2009 that make it in the top 10, I only included those written in 2010. The first thing that jumps out is that quite a few relate to development. Although on reflection I probably wrote a great deal this year on development. Any skew towards development is probably due to starting a new job last February and dealing with learning a new LMS, some new software, and getting reacquainted with some old software. All of which I was able to do and the blog helped by being a tool of self-reflection and a great source of helpful comments and shared resources from my very generous readers.

I was very pleased to see the "My e-Learning Don’ts" post at number one. I wrote it as a bit of a rant against "ineffective" e-learning, but it was tweeted quite a bit and was referenced in several other blogs. That was very flattering and on reflection I think I hit on many of the things that also irk others and sinks many e-learning projects. Hopefully it provided a dose of prevention... I know for me I will revisit it, and the comments generated, as reminders of what not to do.

Thank you everyone who visited my blog in 2010 and here's to a great 2011. Happy New Year everyone!


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