
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dabbling in QR Codes

Diigo QR CodeTag

I have been hearing so much talk, and seeing use, of QR Codes lately. Maybe I am noticing it more because I started dabbling in them myself or maybe they are on the rise. Either way, I want to share a few things about QR Codes. First off if you do not know what they are, here is a quick definition:
QR Code is a specific matrix bar code (or two-dimensional code), readable by dedicated QR bar code readers and camera phones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.
Source: Wikipedia

To simplify, with a QR Code reader on your smart phone you can use the phone's camera to scan the QR Code (like the crazy black and white thing at the top of this page) and it will take you to a web page, display text, phone number and/or prepare a text message to be sent.

The great thing is they are extremely easy to create and use in your online learning or in the traditional classroom. Using a QR Code generator (e.g., Kaywa,, etc.), you can create and copy the code to a web page, PowerPoint slide, add it to a manual, print it, etc. Now when it is seen in your classroom or online course participants can scan the QR Code and visit the site, obtain the text info or data.

Here is a demo showing how easy it is to generate a QR Code.

Here are a few ways I am starting to use QR Codes:

  • Adding my contact information to my classroom powerpoints and manuals. I even posted one with my contact info outside my office.

  • Include QR Codes in manuals and job aids that take the user to relevant URLs.

  • Adding codes in e-learning courses. For example. the video below shows one in a course that directs the user to social bookmarks containing additional resources and tutorials.

See an example of a QR Code in a WBT course.

Here are also my QR Codes bookmarks where you will find more resources on this subject including links to QR Code generators. Of course the QR Code for this link is below too.

Diigo QR CodeTag

Monday, January 17, 2011

My 2011 Predictions

Well it's that time again. Here are my e-learning predictions for the coming year.

  • You know I have to include a Flash prediction. So, here you are...  I predict a Flash player will finally be included on the iPad and iPhone this year. This will be mostly due to the fact that so many more phones, and tablets, will be released with Flash, pressuring Apple to do the same.

  • Say goodbye to the "e-" and the "m-" and say hello to just "learning" in 2011. I think we will be less concerned about the medium and will call it "learning" regardless of whether it is in the classroom, computer, phone or wherever else you are finding it.

  • The coming flood of tablets in 2011 will move m-learning much further along. However, I think people will be distinguishing less and less between the terms e-learning, m-learning, and just learning. After all, where does m-learning stop and e-learning begin? See prior prediction.

  • With the economy improving, we will see reinvestment in classroom training and classroom trainers. I believe too many organizations have hastily delved into online training, resulting in developing courses that are better off in in the classroom than online. Plus with so many rushing into e-learning without investing the time in understanding the design end has resulted in ineffective "rapid e-learning." I think we will see these people who had good intentions are going to move away from e-learning. For those that may be in that boat, don't give up on e-learning, but please read "Hey You Rapid e-Learning Peeps, Slooow Down and Take a Little Drive on the ISD Side of Town."

  • QR Codes will become more prevalent in the U.S. In fact, I just started using them myself by including them in a new e-learning course. I also plan to start adding them to job aids, manuals, presentations and anywhere else when appropriate.


Want to see what I predicted last year?