
Monday, February 7, 2011

It's The Big Question #LCBQ

I have been honored to be a involved in the revitalization of the Learning Circuits' Big Question. For several years now I have been responding to the Big Question and have over and over been inspired by the questions posed, not to mention by the many fantastic responses and comments. It has also been a great opportunity to interact with other e-learning bloggers. I am looking forward to being involved and also very excited to be working with Tony Karrer, Glenn Hansen, Thomas Edgarton, and Holly MacDonald on this venture. I hope in the coming months to see the Big Question grow even more in contributors and perspectives.

I hope that you will be visiting and participating in the discussions. We will also be tweeting posts, responses and all things Big Question using the #LCBQ hash tag. So, keep your eyes out for the next BIG QUESTION!

QR Code - Big Question

1 comment:

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jeff Goldman and Jeff Goldman, Renato Gomes. Renato Gomes said: It’s The Big Question #LCBQ: I have been honored to be a involved in the revitalization of the Learning Circuits... [...]


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