
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Great Resource for Using Graphics in eLearning... The eLearning Coach

Recently I had the pleasure of attending a presentation by the eLearning Coach, Connie Malamed, at an ISD breakfast we have for our Johns Hopkins instructional designers. The presentation was titled "Your Brain on Graphics." As most instructional designers know, graphics used effectively can greatly increase the efficacy of a learning event. However, Connie took it a step further and introduced us to how are brains are wired for graphics and shared great advice and examples of uber-effective use of graphics.

Her site,, is an invaluable resource for learning more about using graphics in elearning, along with many other great resources and advice on elearning and instructional design she shares there. She also has written a book, "Visual Language for Designers," which I am adding to my reading list.

So, thank you eLearning Coach for the fantastic presentation and for sharing your knowledge at

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