
Sunday, July 28, 2013

eLearning Character Chart

eLearning Character Chart
While exploring how others develop characters, I stumbled upon character charts, a tool used by some fiction writers. In the past, I have developed characters in elearning more off the cuff. It has worked well for me, but a character chart, what a great idea. A character chart allows one to flesh out the finer details of a character's personality, appearance, position, abilities, etc. I searched for an "eLearning Character Chart" but without success. And the charts I found for fiction writers were great, but far to extensive for developing an elearning character. So, I created my own. 

I came up with a one page chart that encompasses the level of detail needed to give the depth an elearning character needs.  I also made it a point to include blank rows for any additional characteristics, as needed. Here is link to the eLearning Character Chart (Word Doc) - It also includes examples for each characteristic. 

This is my first shot at an elearning character chart, so please feel free to suggest improvements which is always appreciated.


  1. When I design my characters, I usually have a backstory for them already in mind. I create a mini profile before I even put pencil to paper. This actually helps me design characters that have a more unique look.

    I like the character chart. The only thing I would add is an area for a picture of the character and somewhere to place some background information that can sum up the character's background.

    1. Thanks Jerson. I like the idea of the area for a picture and background summary. I could definitely see sketching out a draft of a character simultaneously right on the chart.

      I think the next rendition will include this. Thanks for the great input.

    2. Well whenever you have time, reach out to me on Google+ and together I'm sure we could create a character sheet that would be really helpful to eLearning developers.

    3. Thanks, I may take you up on that when I am ready for a 2nd edition. It is still relatively new and so far feedback from eLearning designers/developers has been very positive. For now, I am going to continue to collect more feedback before revising the chart.


  2. Jeff, your character chart is not available for download anymore. Could you check and see what is causing the issue? Thanks!

    1. Kathy, I'm not sure why it was not working, but it is now. Here is a direct link. Let me know if you still can't access it.


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