
Monday, November 18, 2013

Some #DevLearn Thoughts and Resources

I've been catching up at work since my trip to the DevLearn Conference. Although I do not have the time needed to write a very lengthy post about my wonderful DevLearn experience, I at least want to post a bit about some of the things that impressed me and also provide some post-conference resources.

By the way, the only complaint I have about the conference is that there were just too many great presenters. I continually found myself deciding between multiple interesting sessions occurring at the same time. Some of the sessions I enjoyed are listed below. Many of the other presentation slide decks are available on the DevLearn Handouts page

  • I recommend visiting David Kelly's curated backchannel, who has many great resources from the backchannel and also did an amazing job putting this conference together. 
There were so many great sessions, networking and all around e-learning fun, I highly recommend the conference to anyone that can make it next year. 

*Although some of the videos require paid membership, the benefits of membership are well worth the price. If on a tight budget, there is no cost for the Associate level although access to Guild resources are limited at this level. Check out membership options here