
Sunday, August 3, 2014

I'm Speaking at #DevLearn

DevLearn Conference - Be Concise Session 101

I'm excited to be presenting again at the DevLearn conference this fall. Below is the description of my presentation

Be Concise: Designing for On-the-go Learners
eLearning designers often face complex training topics that are difficult to deliver concisely. This results in lengthy courses that are counter to the needs of today’s learners who need to be extremely efficient with their time. To deliver effective learning to this audience means being very concise in both content and course design, while still having impact and not sacrificing instructional integrity.In this session you will learn a strategy for keeping learning concise while remaining impactful, engaging, and retaining your audience. You will explore four measures to employ in the instructional design process. First, identify appropriate learning objectives and exclude the extraneous objectives trying to sneak into the course. Second, manage the stakeholder, subject matter expert, and design team’s expectations. Third, prioritize content into levels of “must know,” “good to know,” and “nice to know.” Lastly, streamline the content, language, and course interface. You will leave this session with a practical strategy for creating concise courses while not sacrificing learning.
In this session, you will learn:
  • A design process that ensures concise, but effective, eLearning
  • How to get subject-matter experts and your team on board with creating concise courses
  • How to efficiently prioritize and manage learning content
  • How to streamline the content, language, and course interface
  • How to use learning assets to succinctly deliver content (e.g., interactions, games, visuals, analogies, infographics, etc.)
DevLearn is an incredibly informative, and fun, conference. I highly recommend it for any involved in eLearning - it is worth your time whether a beginner in the field or an expert. 

Hope to see you there.