
Monday, August 3, 2015

eLearning Guild's First Ever Online #DemoFest

On August 19th and 20th, the eLearning Guild will be holding its very first online version of their world renowned DemoFest. It will kick off with an opening session from two ever impressive speakers, Jane Bozarth and Karen Hyder. Like all the eLearning Guild's DemoFests, this will be a chance to see some wonderful online solutions for real world learning and support challenges. There will also be opportunities to ask questions and pick the presenters' brains. Visit the Online DemoFest page to see a listing of all the presenters.

My shameless plug - I will be demo’ing my “Mission: JHome Content Manager” on Day Two of this Demofest.

So, register today and I hope to see you there.


  1. It's going to be a great event!

    1. Absolutely!

      I think putting it online was a really great idea.

  2. First of all, good luck on your presentation, Jeff, I'm sure it will be fantastic. I think it's great they decided to stream the event, it will be watched by a lot of people who wouldn't be able to enjoy it otherwise. I am one of those people, so I'm really glad you brought it to my attention!

    1. Thanks John. Glad to hear you will be attending. I think you're right, it will open it up to a lot of people that can't attend the ones they hold at the conferences. Hopefully it will become an annual event.

  3. I agree, it would be great if it started to be an annual event. What do you think are the chances?

  4. Will we run this event again? It all depends on how things go with the first one today and tomorrow!

  5. Chris, Thanks for answering John's question.

    John, Sorry I did not get a response to you - Things have been crazy busy and it slipped though the cracks.
