
Free eLearning

The following are links to free online courses. Links to courses are added as I come across them. If you have any course that allows open access, please let me me know and I will add it to the list.
Archaeology, Anthropology and Paleontology
Human Evolutionary Highway – National Geographic
Stages of Stonehenge – National Geographic
Neanderthal Quiz – National Geographic
Virtual Dinosaur Dig – Smithsonian Natural History Museum
Saibai Island Canoe – National Museum of Australia Canberra
Theban Mapping Project – American University in Cairo
Van Gogh and the Colors of the Night - Museum of Modern Art (MoMa)
What is Printing – Museum of Modern Art (MoMa)
AdobeTV – “How to” videos for Adobe products

Articulate Storyline Tutorials -
Computer Tutor – BBC
Digital Literacy and IT Skills – Alison (registration required)
Google Code University – (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
Laptop Ports – Suddenly Smart
OnGuard Online –
Twitter Search – CommonCraft
Two Minute Moodles – Tomaz Lasic
WebWise – BBC
Finance and Economics
Financial & Economic Literacy – Alison (registration required)
Financial Education Games – Practical Money Skills for Life
Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning – University of CA – Irvine
Money Smart – FDIC
Flash (Adobe Flash tutorials)
Introduction to Flash Lite –
Health Sciences
Blood Typing-
The Diabetic Dog Game (Diabetes and Insulin) -
Health Literacy – Alison (registration required)
How the Brain Works – New Scientist
Learn.Genetics ™ – Genetic Science Learning Center
Nerve Signaling –
Partnering To Heal – U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
SnacktownSmackdown – Kaiser Permanente (K-12)
Abraham Lincoln’s Crossroads – National Constitution Center
Ancient History – BBC
British History – BBC
Constitutional Timeline - National Constitution Center
The First Thanksgiving –
The Supreme Court – CSPAN
U.S. History Timeline – Digital History
The White House – CSPAN
Instructional Design
Access eLearning – Georgia Tech Research on Accessible Distance Education (GRADE)
ADDIE Model – C. Pappas
eLearning Sucks – Red Magma
Five Tips for Better Webinars – Skill Casting
How Games Can Help – Frontline
Objective Builder – RadioJames
K-12  (fun for adults too)
Brain and Nervous System –
British Parliament – (games)
Build a Panda Habitat – National Zoo
Cargo Bridge – Limex Games
Census in Schools Quiz – DoodleDoo (example of accessibility)
Design a Cell Phone – EdHeads
Electoral College – Disney Education
Electricity and Circuits – Museum of Science, Boston (MOS Boston)
Edheads (numerous educational games and activities)
Factoring – HumbleComics
Find the Flags – NCFL
Hot Shot Business – Disney
How would you feel? (civil rights) – NCFL
Hurricanes – KidsKnowIt Network
Name That Founding Father – Colonial Williamsburg
Newsmania (news trivia game) – Newseum
Structures and Forces – MOS Boston
TeacherTube - online community for sharing instructional videos
Technical Drawing – MOS Boston
Public Safety
Are You Prepared? –
Be Red Cross Ready – American Red Cross
FEMA Ready Kids – FEMA
Health & Safety & Compliance – Alison (registration required)
Forces of Nature – National Geographic
Geology – Webgeolog
Hurricane Motion Gizmo – ExploreLearning
One Small Step – NASA
NASA 50 Years – NASA
A Sense of Scale – The Elegant Universe
How to Kickflip – YouTube (Kevin Hagans)
Olympic History – Musarium
Wacom (graphics tablet)
Beer Brewing Process – Chris Kelly
Congress Speaks –

eLearning Showcase - Articulate StoryLine

eLearning Showcase -
How to Tell a Story -NPR’s Scott Simon
Zombies in Plain English – CommonCraft